Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Shift Happens!

What does shift mean? It means change, a change of lifestyle due to technology. The world has been multiplying in number and in ICT products. Size does matter.

Nowadays the top 10 in demand jobs include some kind of technology knowledge, at least the basis; these jobs, in 2004 didn’t even exist! Our planet has evolved constantly and with the new computer impact out social environment has changed and so has our demands. A school is not considered to be modern nor “good” if it doesn’t include any kind of ICT lessons.

On Shakespeare era there were a limited amount of words to use (in English). Now, there is 5 times more. Can you believe that? After the third state started to contradict the king, we, all the once peasants didn’t know how to explain ourselves. Since we know what is good 20 century’s generations like to talk a lot which needs of more words.

Did you know that 5% of the population of India (the people with the highest IQ) would cover the total population in the UK? This meaning that if we switch those 2 groups; UK would be the country with the highest IQ average and India one of the lowest.

The world has grown too much and it’s constantly reproducing. While you read these 15 babies will be born in UK, 244 babies will be born in China and 351 babies will be born in India. Summing up all the babies in the world that will be born in 6 minutes… every second 7 babies will be born.

But unfortunately human brain is too inefficient to cover all the information that exists, or at least that was during our ancestor’s era. The amount of information during 1 week of The Times is most likely more information than people from the 18th century would ever come across.

Technology has affected our life to the grounds that it can change the course of your likes, dislikes, passions, etc. for example if you once likes hockey, you would have to choose between hockey and video games because they exist and it’s new. Not only that technology has permitted us to have everything easier, right there like ‘take it’. If someone was sick or having a rough time with her/his body, in the ancient times your parents wouldn’t know what to do and would have to call a doctor (which is expensive), but now you can search through internet the symptoms and check for the easiest way to cure your illness.

What does this all mean? Shift happens.

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